Toiling diligently, as I am wont to do (on rare occasions), my colleagues made me aware of a moustache of epic proportions passing by our booth at the PGA Show in Orlando. I hustled to get out in front of the gentleman sporting the duster and attempted to covertly take a photograph using my cell phone. Soon thereafter, I realized that it was going to be impossible to get a photo of decent quality without being made. At that point, I had but only one recourse - I had to stop him and ask him to take his picture. I know, radical thinking - the spirit of USSS is to capture these beasts in their natural habitat unbeknownst to their owners. It was either come clean or risk not getting a photo - one look at the moustache and it's obvious that I had no choice. I could not run the risk of missing the opportunity to capture this Bobby stache on film. So I interrupted him, explained the spirit of USSS and given his massive stache pride, he now felt that he had no choice but to graciously allow me to take his photo.
Thanks to Duster M. Hunter, MBA for his captivating story and photograph.