Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday Brunch

It's a tradition that's older than even his leather jacket. Family joining together and embracing one another's company as their busy weeks and weekends are coming to a close. Many different races and classes of people have their own forms of brunch, but this ritual has deep Caucasian roots. Upper-class Cakers will enjoy quiche and fresh fruits, as well as a selection of hot teas, coffees, fruit juice and Mimosa's. Then of course, there are the "class-impaired" - where the gentleman pictured above fits in. His family spends Sundee down in the Big City (still considered cottage country in most people's minds - think Barrie, Ontario). The menu of choice after loading the kids in the pickup to head down? How 'bout the Ham Omelet Sandwich, Sausage Biscuit, Hash Browns and French Toast Stick?

Stereotypical dirtbag redneck hick. No offense.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ernie & Fran Plus 15

Ahh, the Deep South. Could Wal-Mart ask for a better spokesperson? Ernie's trailer is one of the better-kept ones, considering he has lived there since 1962. His wife of 48 years takes care of her three children, eight grandchildren, and the four new bundles of joy that have made Ernie a Great Grandpa. Six loafs of bread and a case of soda will definitely tide everyone over for the next week, as Ernie has just spent his entire Disability check in one fell swoop. It's a shame his fucking degenerate, meth-addicted daughters can't seem to make a dime prostituting themselves...

Although a rare sighting in the North East, Ernie's voluptuous mane of a walrus duster is commonplace in the Dirty South.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Tennessee Terry

If Danny McBride, Matt Walsh, and Paul Teutul Sr. were to somehow combine their DNA and fertilize the egg of an aged, overweight redneck with their man yogurt, the world would be blessed with the gentleman pictured above. Allegedly uninterested in his appearance or how the world views him, this stereotypical hillbilly fits nearly all of the conventions related to handlebar-wearing hicks across these United States. His NASCAR hat and Wal-Mart undershirt (worn as a sweatshirt) are laughable to say the least, but ignorance is what defines a true redneck - and with lunch options ranging from Arabic to Vietnamese and everything in between, our friend Terry has opted for the BK Triple Combo from Burger King. Way to stay true to your heritage, friend.